Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What an attractive and elegant crowd of people they are in Dewsbury. Have you seen them on the news?

Quietly and gracefully celebrating Shannon being found alive. Good to be British isn't it?|||Yes if your idea of a community is a bunch of inbred alcoholic unemployed firework hogging spongers then yes they do have a community, but not one i would like to ever be part of, what with they're super lager and cheap wine that even old wino's wouldnt drink, and as for shannons mum has she ever heard of contraception ? She must have spent her adult life on her back! The sponging tramp, and shannons stepdad now theres a pee doh if ever there was,|||i am 4rm Dewsbury! so what my mums on the dole she has raised 4 kids and work 72 hours a week for mimimum wage since she was 16! dont you think pepole deserve the dole ehh! and so what shannon has a big family. just because where not all stuck up snobs and live by the rules.

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|||Yes. Dewsbury is Darwin's waiting room.|||What is your problem exactly, you stuck up git?|||to appear on telly needing a shave and looking like a badgers bum is awful.

some of the blokes were just as bad.|||Agree with Lady Steph|||Don't be such a snob. From what I've seen on various new reports since Shannon Matthews went missing, there is a great sense of community amongst the people who live on her estate.

Instead of passing judgement on people with your sarcastic question/comment, you would have been better employed expressing pleasure that Shannon has been found safe and well.|||dont know about being british......maybe they should've waited as she's yet to explain what happened %26amp; be 'examined'

i think they're a bunch of pi55 heads who'll use any excuse for a booze up , coincidently its the day shannons been found!!!

yes im happy shes ok, but the local teen wallies will ruin it|||Any excuse to break out the Tennants Super on public streets. And why do they have a stockpile of fireworks in March?|||Do I detect a sense of sarcasm...... I think its great that a community should have such a spirit of togetherness, that so many areas of this country have lost. One of their own, possibly laying in a shallow grave, raped. Has thank God been found. What does it matter if they havent got the looks, theyre caring human people displaying a huge collect sigh of relief|||I am the 21st person to answer this question

And the answer is ------- No I didn't, but yes it is.|||Yes they are very classy......but who cares? Its great news...allow them to celebrate how they want :-)|||These are ordinary and real people, just letting off some steam after a long ordeal.

Different people have different ways of dealing with stressful situations.

What you've seen are real people,............. Not the pretentious individuals who pretend to be in control of their emotions, then fall apart when no-one is looking.

How would you deal with all that stress, then the VERY sudden realisation it's all over.

It's a bit like driving your car, hard, up a hill, then putting your foot down on the clutch pedal with the engine at full throttle - you'll rev the bollocks off it.!!

If you don't know it's coming, you can't wind down gradually, and if you can't wind down, you let it all out in a big crescendo.|||Aren't you lucky not to live like that?

If you open your eyes, there are 1000's of people like that in this country.

No shortage of Heroin around Dewsbury that's for sure.

It's a terrible crying shame especially whilst MP's are decking their gaff's out with our money, that we allow our countrymen live like that? You can bet those people, if they went out to vote, voted Labour.

You need to take a look at yourself.


Edit. Great Answer - Grey Mare.|||you my dear have just made yourself out to be a snobby pretensious nasty and stuck up cow! i live in yorkshire infact not very far from dewsbury and i will say that the estate is a run down and not very well off estate and that some of the people that live there can be abit rowdy. but to critise the people that kept there hope alive within such a close knit community that that little girl was to be found alive is totaly selfish and thoughtless. them people on the dewsbury estate showed commitment and bravery in a time when a little girl was predicted to be found dead and all came together to do anything they could for that family which is more than can be said for your snobby little ****. and if you look closly there is people like the people of dewsbury all over the country even near you and you shouldnt be putting yourself above them and not talking about attractiveness and elegencey, the world is not about them things hunny its about equality and community. think about what you say next time and just be happy that that little girl is alive and well. WELCOME BACK SHANNON GOD BLESS XXX|||yes love to be on tv don't they good old yorkshire always stick together|||I hear where your coming from carnival queen (did you lose your avatar by the way of Kelly Brook I believe)

anyways ...........

yes I found it strange the way they celebrated, considering that for all we know poor Shannon could be in hospital recovering from a rape ordeal. No-one should be doing anything until its confirmed she is OK. I know its great she's alive, but we should still tread cautiously in case there is some distressing stuff still to come out.

Also how many of them are using it as an excuse to be on national TV? (cynical, but i bet its true for some)|||They are happy Shannon has been found. WTF is wrong with that?

If my daughter had been missing and feared dead for three weeks you can bet your life i would party.

what you some kind of snob?

edit: Sir dave..heres a feather.......SHES ALIVE FFS! would you rather she was dead? just to prove your theories right? Grrrrr sometimes dave i could just smack you one !!

:)|||Good to be English.|||the best.|||*laughs* with a sad tint of shame for laughing and shame for knowing the answer to this Q|||wow - its great to be british - well actually not if being british means being a rude, condescending, snob.

This community never gave up hope or stopped searching for Shannon - they orgnasized marches to keep her face in the news and 100's turned out to search for her.

Sorry to say but not everyone is well off or educated or speaks with a posh accent but at least they got off their backsides and tried to find her. It may be that this will turn out to be a sad family tale but give that community the credit they deserve for caring.

They are happy she has been found alive - that is what they are celbrating. I think that community will be a lot more upset then you will be if it turns out Shannon was abused but at least she has been found alive.|||I think we can learn a lot from the Yorkshire community. They had hope and never gave up on the fact that Shannon would be found! God bless them all.|||I am proud to be British.

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